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Paint Shop Office Renovation
Diamler Chrysler- Jeep Plant
Toledo, Ohio
Architecture and MEP Design

Human Services Center Renov.
Mt. Elliott Tool & Die Facility
Chrysler Automotive
Detroit, Michigan
Architectural and Space Planning Design, MEP Engineering

Suction Tank and Pump House Facility
Mack Engine Phase II
Chrysler Automotive
Detroit, Michigan
Architecture and MEP Design

Warehouse Addition
Trenton Engine Facility
Chrysler Automotive
Detroit, Michigan
Architecture and MEP Design

CTC Phase III Powertrain Center
Chrysler Automotive
Auburn Hills, Michigan
Various Mechanical and Electrical Designs

Decks 7-7A, 21, and 40
Conditions Report
Fiat Chrysler Automotive (FCA)
Auburn Hills, Michigan
Other Projects- Diamler Chrylser/Fiat Chrysler Automotive (FCA):
Windsor Assembly- Infrared Camera Project
Mound Road Engine Plant- Switchgear House and Battery Room Additions
Jeep Plant, Toledo, Ohio- Plant Addition
Jefferson North Jeep Plant, Detroit, Michigan- Dock Doors Design
Paint and Energy Group- Utilities Infrastructure Assessment
Detroit Axle Plant, Detroit, Michigan- Security Upgrade for North and West Parking Lots
Other Projects- Ford Motor Company:
Lima Engine Plant, Lima, Ohio- Renovations
Dearborn Engine Plant, Dearborn, Michigan- Renovations
Rouge Plant- Heritage 2000 Entrance Upgrade
Ford Motor Company Headquarters, Dearborn, Michigan- Mechanical Renovations
Other Projects- General Motors (GM):
Miscellaneous MEP Upgrades at various GM facilities, including
Fuel Blend House
Mill Exhaust
Sump Pump Design
Paint Mix/Slow Mix Project
Air Conditioning Upgrades at Research Building
Spitfire War Room
Lighting Upgrades at Pontiac Facility
Saginaw Steering Gear Plant
BOC Plant, Lansing, Michigan- Mechanical Renovations
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